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Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
A Single Policy to Protect Your Data, Wherever It Is

Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Forcepoint Products
Forcepoint DLP Suite
Forcepoint DLP Suite (IP Protection) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Endpoint
Forcepoint DLP Endpoint (IP Protection) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Network
Forcepoint DLP Network (IP Protection) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Discover
Forcepoint DLP Discover (IP Protection) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is data protection in a zero-perimeter world.

  • Discover and Control All of Your Data
    Empower employees to work across devices, connect to mulitple networks, and work within cloud apps with Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention (DLP).
  • Identify Your Riskiest Users in Seconds
    Reduce false positives and isolate problems faster using Incident Workflow.
  • Securely Share Data With Third Parties
    Control and encrypt your data when it moves outside your organization with DLP software.

Security Driven by the Human Point

Data security is a never-ending challenge. On one hand, IT organizations are required to keep up with regulations and protect intellectual property from targeted attacks and accidental exposure. On the other, they must adapt to macro IT movements, such as the adoption of cloud applications, hybrid cloud environments and BYOD trends, all of which increase the ways data can leave your organization.

This expanding attack surface poses the most significant challenge to protecting critical data. Data security teams take the seemingly logical approach to chase data: find it, catalogue it and control it. Yet this traditional approach to data loss prevention is no longer effective because it ignores the biggest variable in data security — your people.

Instead of focusing solely on data, security should begin and end with people. The key is to gain visibility into user interactions with data and applications. Once this is achieved, you can apply a level of control based on the specific user’s risk and the sensitivity or value of the data.

An organization’s data protection program must consider the human point — the intersection of users, data and networks. In addition, the enterprise must remain vigilant of data as it moves across the enterprise and highlight the people who create, touch and move data.

Data protection must:

  • Secure regulated data with a single point of control for all the applications your people use to create, store and move data.
  • Protect intellectual property with advanced DLP that analyzes how people use data, coaches your people to make good decisions with data and prioritizes incidents by risk.

Visibility & control everywhere your people work & data resides

  • Cloud Applications (powered by Forcepoint CASB)
  • Endpoint
  • Network
  • Discovery

DLP Data Loss Prevention

Forcepoint DLP addresses human-centric risk with visibility and control everywhere your people work and everywhere your data resides. Security teams apply user-risk scoring to focus on the events that matter most and to accelerate compliance with global data regulations.

Accelerate Compliance

The modern IT environment presents a daunting challenge for enterprises aiming to comply with dozens of global data security regulations, especially as they move toward cloud applications and mobile workforces. Many security solutions offer some form of integrated DLP, such as the type found within cloud applications. Yet security teams face unwanted complexity and added costs when deploying and managing separate and inconsistent policies across endpoints, cloud applications and networks.

Forcepoint DLP accelerates your compliance efforts by combining pre-packaged coverage of global regulations with central control across your IT environment. Forcepoint DLP efficiently secures sensitive customer information and regulated data so you can confidently prove ongoing compliance.

  • Regulatory coverage to quickly meet and maintain compliance with more than 370 policies applicable to the regulatory demands of 83 countries.
  • Locate and remediate regulated data with network, cloud and endpoint discovery.
  • Central control and consistent policies across the IT environment.

Empower people to protect data

DLP with only preventive controls frustrates users who will circumvent them with the sole intention of completing a task. Going around security results in unnecessary risk and inadvertent data exposure.

Forcepoint DLP recognizes your people as the front lines of today’s cyber threats.

  • Discover and control data everywhere it lives, whether in the cloud or on the network, via email and at the endpoint.
  • Coach employees to make smart decisions, using messages that guide user actions, educate employees on policy and validate user intent when interacting with critical data.
  • Securely collaborate with trusted partners using policy-based auto-encryption that protects data as it moves outside your organization.
  • Automate data labeling & classification by integrating with leading third-party data classification solutions (e.g., Microsoft Information Protection, Titus, Boldon James).

Advanced detection and controls that follow the data

Malicious and accidental data breaches are complex incidents, not single events. Forcepoint DLP is a proven solution that analyst firms including Gartner, Radicati and others recognize as a leader within the industry. Forcepoint’s DLP offerings are available in 2 versions: DLP for Compliance and DLP for IP Protection.

Forcepoint DLP for Compliance provides critical capability addressing compliance with features such as:

  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) identifies data imbedded in images while at rest or in motion.
  • Robust identification for Personally Identifiable Information (PII) offers data validation checks, real name detection, proximity analysis and context identifiers.
  • Custom encryption identification exposes data hidden from discovery and applicable controls.
  • Cumulative analysis for drip DLP detection (i.e., data that leaks out slowly over time).
  • Integration with Microsoft Information Protection analyzes encrypted files and applies appropriate DLP controls to the data.

Forcepoint DLP for IP Protection includes the capabilities above, plus applies the most advanced detection and control of potential data loss with features such as:

  • Machine learning allows users to train the system to identify relevant, never-before-seen data. Users provide the engine with positive and negative examples to flag similar business documents, source code and more.
  • Fingerprinting of structured and unstructured data allows data owners to define data types and identify full and partial matches across business documents, design plans and databases, and then apply the right control or policy that matches the data.
  • Analytics identify changes in user behavior as it relates to data interaction such as increased use of personal email.

Respond and remediate risk

Traditional approaches to DLP overload users with false positives while missing data at risk. Forcepoint DLP applies advanced analytics to correlate seemingly unrelated DLP events into prioritized incidents. Incident Risk Ranking (IRR) provided with Forcepoint DLP fuses disparate DLP indicators into a framework of Bayesian belief networks to assess the likelihood of data risk scenarios, such as data theft and broken business processes.

  • Focus response teams on greatest risk with prioritized incidents that highlight the people responsible for risk, the critical data at risk and common patterns of behavior across users.
  • Investigate and respond with workflows that link disparate events, show context of data at risk and provide analysts with the information they need to take action.
  • Safeguard user privacy with anonymization options and access controls.
  • Add the context of data into broader user analytics through deep integrations with Forcepoint Insider Threat and Forcepoint UEBA.

Visibility everywhere your people work, control everywhere your data resides

Today’s enterprises are challenged with complicated environments, where data is everywhere and requires the protection of data in places that aren’t managed or owned by the enterprise. Forcepoint DLP for Cloud Applications extends analytics and DLP policies to critical cloud applications so your data is protected, wherever it resides.

  • Identify and protect data across cloud applications, network data stores, databases and managed endpoints.
  • Gain visibility to uploads and downloads as well as data sharing and stored data on the most popular cloud apps utilized by enterprises including Office 365, Google Apps, Box, Salesforce and more.
  • Unify policy enforcement via single console to define and apply data discovery policies across all channels - cloud, network and endpoints.
  • Forcepoint hosted solution that extends enterprise DLP features including fingerprinting and machine learning to cloud applications

Forcepoint DLP includes advanced analytics and regulatory policy templates from a single point of control with every deployment. Enterprises choose the deployment options for their IT environment.

Extend Protection with Data Classification Solutions and Cloud Access Platforms

Enhanced classification detection that integrates with trusted IRM providers. Protect your data everywhere, including the cloud.



Boldon James

Boldon James

Microsoft Azure Information Protection

Microsoft Azure Information Protection

Office 365

Office 365



G-Suite (Google Drive)

G-Suite (Google Drive)

Use Cases:

Unparalleled Accuracy-Securing IP

Unparalleled Accuracy-Securing IP

Discover and protect unknown PII and PHI, source code, engineering drawings, M&A documents, financials, trading algorithms, and sensitive trade secrets.

Prevent Cloud Data Loss From a Single Console

Prevent Cloud Data Loss From a Single Console

Gain visibility and control over data at rest, in motion, or in use across popular enterprise cloud apps, including Office 365, Box, Salesforce, and more.

Ensure Regulatory Compliance Across 80+ Countries in Minutes

Ensure Regulatory Compliance Across 80+ Countries in Minutes

Prepare your business with built-in expertise for regulations involving PII, PHI/HIPAA, and 2018 GDPR with DLP software.


Simplest DLP to Deploy

Data Fingerprinting
Follow data with automatic application of controls, even when user devices are not on the network.

Optical Character Recognition
Enables textual data, including PII and PHI, to be detected and extracted from images—such as source code, engineering drawings, M&A docs, and trade secrets.

Advanced Incident Workflow
Secure workflow notifications for data owners, providing users role-based access and data privacy on their mobile devices with DLP.

Gain Visibility Into Microsoft Rights Management
Enable Microsoft Protection RMS to securely share information with partners. Automatically encrypt and decrypt using Microsoft Information Protection.

Educate Data Owners to Protect Data
Dynamic in-action coaching to educate end-users on appropriate data use while using Forcepoint's DLP tool.

Predefined Policy Library
Get started quickly with an extensive Policy Library that addresses common regulatory and IP protection use cases, including GDPR.

Automated Protection
Use file and email encryption with Forcepoint's DLP solution to automatically apply protection controls to sensitive or confidential files.

Single Console Control
Set data loss prevention policies across your network and endpoints once, from a single console for your environment.

Achieve Risk-Adaptive Protection
Leverage DLP within the Dynamic Data Protection solution to achieve automatic policy enforcement in a matter of seconds.

Data Leakage Prevention
Detect and protect against low and slow data exfiltration and data leakage via print, email, cloud applications, and removable media.

Solution Components:

Forcepoint DLP – Endpoint

Forcepoint DLP – Endpoint protects your critical data on Windows and Mac endpoints on and off the corporate network. It includes advanced protection and control for data at rest (discovery), in motion and in use. It integrates with Microsoft Information Protection to analyze encrypted data and apply appropriate DLP controls. Enables employee self-remediation of data risk based on guidance from DLP coaching dialog. The solution monitors web uploads, including HTTPS, as well as uploads to cloud services like Office 365 and Box Enterprise. Full integration with Outlook, Notes and email clients.

Forcepoint DLP – Cloud Applications

Powered by Forcepoint CASB, DLP – Cloud Applications extends the advanced analytics and single control of Forcepoint DLP to critical cloud applications, including Office 365, Salesforce, Google Apps, Box, ServiceNow and more.

Forcepoint DLP – Discovery

Forcepoint DLP – Discovery identifies and secures sensitive data across your network, as well as data stored in cloud services like Office 365 and Box Enterprise. Advanced fingerprinting technology identifies regulated data and intellectual property at rest and protects that data by applying appropriate encryption and controls.

Forcepoint DLP – Network

Forcepoint DLP – Network delivers the critical enforcement point to stop the theft of data in motion through email and web channels. The solution helps identify and prevent malicious and accidental data loss from outside attacks or from the growing insider threats. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) recognizes data within an image. Analytics identify DLP to stop the theft of data one record at a time and other high-risk user behaviors.

  Forcepoint DLP - Endpoint Forcepoint DLP - Cloud Applications orcepoint DLP - Discover orcepoint DLP - Network
How is it Deployed? Forcepoint One Endpoint Forcepoint Cloud IT Managed Discovery Server Network Appliance or Public Cloud
What is the primary function? Collection of information on the user’s endpoint Discovery of data and enforcement of policies in the cloud or with cloud-delivered applications Discovery, scanning and remediation of data at rest within data centers Visibility and control for data in motion via the web and email
Where all is the Data discovered / protected at rest? Windows endpoints
MacOS endpoints
Linux endpoints
Exchange Online
Sharepoint Online
On-premises file servers and network storage
Sharepoint Server
Exchange Server
Where is Data in Motion protected? Email
Web: HTTP(S)
Removable media
Mobile devices
File servers / NAS
Uploads, downloads & sharing for Office 365, Google Apps, Salesforce. com, Box & ServiceNow   Email /Mobile email/ ActiveSync proxy Web:
Where is Data in Use protected? IM, VOIP file sharing, applications (cloud storage clients), OS clipboard During collaboration activities using cloud applications    
Incident Risk Ranking* Included Included   Included
Optical Character Recognition     Included Included
Data Classification & Labeling Integrations Microsoft Information Protection, Boldon James, Titus
What data can be Fingerprinted?* Structured (databases), Unstructured (documents), Binary (non-textual files)
Unified Policy Management Policy configuration & enforcement via single console
Robust Policy Library Discovery & enforcement from broad compliance policy library

*features only available in IP Protection version.


Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Screenshot


Download the Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Datasheet (.PDF)

Pricing Notes:

Forcepoint Products
Forcepoint DLP Suite
Forcepoint DLP Suite (IP Protection) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Endpoint
Forcepoint DLP Endpoint (IP Protection) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Network
Forcepoint DLP Network (IP Protection) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Discover
Forcepoint DLP Discover (IP Protection) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Suite
Forcepoint DLP Suite (IP Protection Upgrade) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Suite (Compliance) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Endpoint
Forcepoint DLP Endpoint (IP Protection Upgrade) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Endpoint (Compliance) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Network
Forcepoint DLP Network (IP Protection Upgrade) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Network (Compliance) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Discover
Forcepoint DLP Discover (IP Protection Upgrade) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Discover (Compliance) - Perpetual
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Cloud Applications
Forcepoint DLP Cloud Applications (IP Protection)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Cloud Applications (IP Protection Upgrade)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Cloud Applications (Compliance)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Suite
Forcepoint DLP Suite (IP Protection)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Suite (IP Protection Upgrade)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Suite (Compliance)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Endpoint
Forcepoint DLP Endpoint (IP Protection)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Endpoint (IP Protection Upgrade)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Endpoint (Compliance)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Network
Forcepoint DLP Network (IP Protection)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Network (IP Protection Upgrade)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Network (Compliance)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Discover
Forcepoint DLP Discover (IP Protection)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Discover (IP Protection Upgrade)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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Forcepoint DLP Discover (Compliance)
*100 users Minimum Requirement Price per user. Quantity must be 100 or greater
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